Keith Stokes' New York City Trip
Nebula Awards Weekend: May 11-13, 2007
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Sunday morning I was up early, posted  4 pages of photos Nebula Awards ceremony and was checked out of the Marriott Financial Center by 11AM. After saying good bye to some folks in the lobby and checking my luggage, I headed out to see a bit more of the neighborhood.

I attended the 11:15 worship service at Trinity Church, just 3 or 4 blocks away from the Marriott Hotel. The Episcopal service was very elaborate. Much more than the Catholic, Church of England, other Episcopal services I have previously attended. There were several processions, a thurible with incense, genuflection, etc. Quite interesting - I'm really glad I attended.

Trinity Church - New York City
Trinity Church

Following the Trinity Church service, there was an opportunity to tour the 160 year old building (the congregation is over 300 years old). Following the tour, I walked through the interesting cemetery around the church which included burned stones from the New York fire of 1776, and the graves of Alexander Hamilton, Robert Fulton, William Bradford and Albert Gallatin.

Tablet dedicates to Major General Alexander Hamilton
Tablet dedicates to Major General Alexander Hamilton - is grave is in the
churchyard outside Trinity Church.

sarcophagus in New York's Trinity Church
sarcophagus - this area of Trinity Church was featured in the movie National Treasure.

Trinity Church cemetery
Trinity Church cemetery - many of the stones show damage from the fire in 1776 during
the American Revolution while the British occupation of Manhattan

Robert Fulton grave
Robert Fulton's grave is at the south side of the Trinity churchyard

Then I walked up about three blocks to visit the congregation's separate St. John's Chapel. This 1766 building is the oldest church in New York City. It is much less ornate - actually looks a lot like St-Martins-in-the-Fields in London. This is the location where the parish provided support for post 9/11 recovery workers. It is right next to Ground Zero.

St. John's Chapel - New York City
St. John's Chapel - built in 1766

Since I was again close to Les Halles restaurant, I returned there for lunch. During my previous meal, I had noticed someone having steak tartare and I wanted to give it a try. My steak was prepared at the table. In addition to the lean ground round there was egg yoke, vinegar, mayonnaise, black pepper, Tabasco, salt, onion, pickle and several other items I didn't recognize. I'd never had steak tartare before. I'm glad I tried it, but don't know if I will have it again.

Les Halles restaurant New York interior
Dinning area at Les Halles.

Then back to hotel to join the Lawrence folks for the ride to the airport. We had planned to share a cab, but the lovely and delightful Diane Turnshek provided us with a ride.

The flight back to Kansas City was uneventful, at least the parts while I was awake.

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Copyright 2007-2009 by Keith Stokes  My other trips.